NSE 2023: Many compliments, but also points for improvement for the AHK

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Student satisfaction around their study programme remains – just like previous years - high. This is according to the results of the National Student Survey (NSE) in which students of the academies of the Amsterdam University of the Arts (AHK) shared their opinions en masse in the beginning of 2023. There is a high level of satisfaction compared to higher professional education (hbo) students from other institutions. Of course, there are also opportunities for improvement. 

Students of the AHK score higher than the national average on almost all questions. Just like last year, students are satisfied with the study programme in general (80%), the atmosphere within the study programme (85%) and most students would choose the same study programme again (76%). Although the themes of "teachers" and "engagement and contact" still have the highest levels of satisfaction, there is a slight decrease from last year. These decreases can also be seen nationally. 

Despite the high scores, of course there are points for further improving the education. For example, new this year were the questions about study load. This theme immediately showed the lowest satisfaction score, making it a clear point of attention for the academies. In addition, for the first time, questions were asked about interdisciplinarity. Students indicate a need for more cooperation and encounters with students from other AHK study programs and academies, but at the same time they feel that there are not enough opportunities for this in their programs. There are also decreases in satisfaction around the themes 'challenge and commitment' and 'reflection'. 

The academies of the AHK will set to work with the results. They will do this in consultation with teachers and students in order to determine how they can maintain the high quality of the current education and, where possible, further improve it in the coming academic year. 
Curious about all AHK-wide results? Click here for the fact sheet and graphs.

About the NSE
At the beginning of 2023, all students of the academies of the AHK were invited to participate in the NSE. The NSE is a large-scale, independent national survey in which all students in higher education are invited to give their opinion on their study programme. Almost 1,500 students of the approximately 3,200 students who are studying at one of the AHK academies completed the questionnaire, a response of 46%. This is higher than the national average (34%) and higher than last year (41%). The Executive Board and the management of the academies thank the students for their input and are proud of their high level of engagement.
