In het laatste semester van studiejaar 2022/2023 hebben 7 derdejaars studenten van de Breitner Academie deelgenomen aan de online internationale course Between Spaces. Docenten Manon Habekotte en Claire Goedman gaven hierin samen les met collega's Vered Heruti en Orly Sever van de docentenopleiding Hamidrasha in Tel Aviv, Israel. In deze course onderzochten de Breitner studenten samen met de deelnemende Israelische studenten het thema 'space'. Via groepsdiscussie, kunstbeschouwen en huiswerkopdrachten werd artistiek samengewerkt. De resultaten van de beeldende samenwerking zijn te zien bij deze online tentoonstelling
Anne & Tami
Selanna, Maya & Yuli
We drew each other live on a zoom call, all in our own styles. At the end we combined the three works into one, fusing all of our own interpretations of the shared space into one.
Sophie & Tamar
For our final project we decided to react one another's texts and poems visually. →
I found sophie's poem incredibly relevant to me, since I am struggling with anxiety that has a lot to do with the subject of emptiness. I tried to animate the poem with a light hearted touch and to give it a happy ending through the visuals, in an optimistic view for the future →
Emmilie & Maayan
A merge of both of our worlds into one
Merge of both worlds, you can´t tell them apart by the swans only by the borders others have made.
Eden & Marit
For our last assignment we decided to make a performance. We reacted to each others work by painting on the back (holding a sketchbook) of the other person. We reacted on the artist itself.
We sat in the middle of the path in Amsterdam. Sharing our personal space with that of other people. People looked over at what we we're painting or walked through our space.
Valeria & Duha
What defines a space? This question came up when I started working on this final assignment. I began with looking at all of the material that Duha and I put on the Padlet. I wanted to combine all of the images but I wasn't sure on where to start. Then I randomly started with adding images to a collage. The turnout was two abstract but also figurative collages. You recognize the objects separately but the spaces disappeared. Each collage became its own space, an imaginative space. These collages were the sketches for two oil paintings that I made. These paintings turned out monochrome because this way the spaces became one big blur of objects and hereby lost their original definition of space even more.→
For the final assignment I selected the prominent and repetitive elements from our previous works and materials and both spaces, then I designed them into embroidery patterns.